
I had been using Unity 3D for many years. My own 3d software and apps were developed in Unity 3D. I had a substantial code-base of Unity 3D c# code built up.

But I threw it all away. UNREAL!

Or, rather, I moved to the Unreal Engine.

Continue reading “Unreal”

Mixed Reality and the OS

I’ve been doing a lot of coding and pontificating about mixed reality over the past six months or so.  And my conclusion is that we’re converging on an obvious thing:  A mixed reality Operating System (OS) environment.

That may not seem like any kind of huge logical jump.  It may seem obvious.  Perhaps you feel I just blurted something out that’s at least a year and a half behind the times.  But I’ve gone into a bit more concrete detail than that.  More later. Continue reading “Mixed Reality and the OS”